Derechos de las mujeres

Plan Parenthood IL Action

Personal Pac


Vote Mama

Derechos humanos

Equality IL

Citizen Action Illinois

The People's Lobby
Safe Communities

Illinois AFL-CIO

International Union of Operating Engineers Local 150

The Chicago Western Lakes Port Council Maritime Trades

Cook County College Teacher's Union

Illinois Federation of Teachers

IL Retired Teachers PAC
Community Orgs

Working Families Will County

Sierra Club

Humane Society Legislative Fund

IL Muslim Civic Coalition-Activate

Indo-American Democratic Org

Southland Black Chamber

Southland Black Business PAC
Political Orgs

Blue America PAC

Our Revolution Illinois

Schaumburg Progressives

DSA National

Common Purpose Pac

West Suburban DSA

Congresswoman Underwood

Former Congresswoman Marie Newman

Local Community Leader
Sherry Williams
"Rachel has a passion for making positive changes in the community and the environment. And, she works tirelessly and with seemingly endless energy and enthusiasm to make this happen. No one will work harder to get things done."

LGBTQ Activist, Aurora
Gwyn Ciesla
Rachel Ventura shares my views on issues from Climate Change and Women’s Rights, to Immigration Reform and LGBTQ Equality. I believe she has the tenacity to help make some of the real changes we urgently need.

CEO, Legendary Games
Jason Nelson, Ph.D.
I have known Rachel Ventura for years and she is an intelligent, compassionate, and dedicated woman with a heart for service. She is a natural leader and has great communication skills, with the ability to reach and rally people from all walks of life and all parts of the political spectrum. She is forthright in her approach to life and neither gives nor takes BS but gets directly to the point and works on solving the problems at hand. She is a devoted mother and a steadfast friend.

Helga Ness
I support Rachel because she will be a voice for the people and the environment. It is time to elect politicians that care about the people and care about making changes that benefit them!!

Lara Shean Geronime
There is no one that cares about our world and it's progress like Rachel. I've never met a more dedicated mother, worker, or friend. Her political motivations are genuine, and her ultimate goal is to represent those around her with passion, care, and knowledge. Having known her as an educator, fellow Navy spouse, and local representative for our military and neighborhood community, I cannot imagine a better candidate!

Elvira Huerta
I trust in the candidacy of Rachel Ventura and her agenda for the welfare of the community. Since I met her I was surprised by her enthusiasm and dedication to helping the community.
Confío en la candidatura de Rachel Ventura y su agenda para el bien de la comunidad. Desde que la conocí, me sorprendió su entusiasmo y dedicación para ayudar a la comunidad.

Owner/Publisher at AAW GAMES / Adventureaweek.com
Jonathan G. Nelson
Rachel Ventura is the most outgoing individual I have met in my entire life. When Rachel puts her mind to something she will make it happen no matter how long it takes. She has raised her two girls to be the next generation of positive change we need so badly in this world; both girls are intelligent (gifted actually), polite, and caring individuals.
Rachel will make positive change happen and is skilled at managing businesses, networking, customer service, basically anything you can throw at Rachel, she can take it!

Navy Veteran (Nuclear Electronics Technician)
Daniel Marshall
I don't live in Illinois anymore, the navy took me on a bit of a roundabout path before landing where I am now, but for those who do, I urge you to give Rachel a hard look. I've known her for a while and here's my honest take on her:
She's a genuine person who doesn't hesitate to speak her opinion, even if its a minority one. Like all of us, she has had hard times, so she knows what its like to be in those situations, and not just because of some news report or city demographics, but because she's actually lived it.
When she voices her opinion on a topic, you can bet its something she honestly feels strongly about. I've never known her to pander to ANYONE. Beyond that, it's my humble opinion that politics could use more genuine, intelligent, and passionate women in its ranks. Rachel Ventura is exactly that.

Renita R. Francois
Rachel was my first boss after I graduated from college. I appreciated her for taking the time to invest in me and teach me so many new things but I admired her for standing up for me when it mattered the most. There are times when some people allow the differences between us that cannot be changed to influence what they think of someone and how they treat someone. When this happened to me in the workplace Rachel supported me and stood up for me. She had my back despite what it meant for her own security in her role. That is the kind of person you want to represent you; someone who is not afraid to speak up when they witness things that are In conflict with their values and moral compass no matter how difficult it might be. Someone who is selfless and willing to challenge authority for even the person with the least amount of "clout". That's Rachel. If you live in Joliet, I hope that you will vote for her.

Rebecca McReynolds
Change is difficult for every community to obtain. I believe that Rachel Ventura has the qualities to lead us into a better tomorrow. Please join the ranks at the polls - vote for Rachel!

Jason Dandy
In the decade I have known Rachel, she has demonstrated her focus, dedication, honesty, passion, commitment, intelligence, and passion for what is right and good in the world. A natural leader and fantastic team player, Rachel is someone I am proud to call a friend.

Blaine Seitz
I am posting on Rachel Ventura's page for two very simple reasons; I believe in Rachel as person. She has the heart, the intelligence and certainly the moral character do what is good and right. I am also posting this because I know the people that feel threatened by her are the same people that are unwilling or unable to do what is good for the people of Joliet. They are not who among those who look out for those in need, those whose lives have been harmed by policies designed only to benefit a few, instead of everyone. She is without a doubt someone that is unwilling to stand by and let social, economic, and other forms of injustice stand. She is a fighter, she is a warrior for positive change.

LT, USN (former)
Joseph Ryan
Rachel Ventura is an incredible individual whom anyone would love to have in his or her corner. I am proud to call her a friend of over 6 years now, and I know that, if elected, she will perform her duties with nothing less than the utmost professionalism and with relentless determination.
Rachel is a winner, plain and simple. Life has thrown a lot at her, and she always walks away stronger for the experience. With her diverse skill set and keen intellect, her time in office will serve the citizens well for years to come. Don't waste any of that time. Elect Rachel Ventura now!

Jonathan Self
I grew up in the district Rachel Ventura aims to represent. The area has come a long way, but it faces some serious challenges. People are struggling, and they need a government that works for them - not big special interests.
That’s why I support Rachel Ventura. She isn’t some wealthy person separated from reality - she is one of us normal people working our butts off trying to put food on the table and make the world a little bit better. She will actually educate herself on issues, and you can count on her to vote in our community’s best interests. Always.
That is why I am willing to cross party lines and support Rachel Ventura.

Clara Ryan
Rachel Ventura is a kind, intelligent, and passionate woman. I met Rachel while we were both living in Washington as military spouses. She is deeply committed to being involved with her community. She is an organized, strong leader and knows how to work respectfully with people who have different views than her own.
Rachel is both informed and passionate in her views. She takes the time to become as informed as possible on key issues so that she understands them from all aspects. And most importantly, Rachel is an honest woman full of integrity and wants to make positive changes in the community.

Elizabeth Regnier
I've known Rachel most of my life and I trust that she can get things done!

Director of Marketing at Lone Wolf Development
BJ Hensley
Rachel is a vibrant, caring individual, who is uniquely positioned to fight for the betterment of her local area. Having worked with her on numerous occasions across various companies I can say without a doubt, whatever the job, she will get it done!

Retired ASFCME member
John C. Ormins
I endorse Rachel Ventura because we need a person with integrity and VISION.
LeAnn Ryan
Rachel Ventura has a passion for our community. She is a game changer, a forward thinker, and one who sees the big picture.

Stephan Kelly

Kevin Morgano

Melissa Sidler

Ryan Blackstock
Rachel is a woman with integrity. She is active politically and is a positive and supportive individual who stands up for the rights of others. Her kindness, compassion, and presence are some of her shining qualities.

Bernie Sanders 2016 DNC Delegate
Hillary Colby
First I heard about Rachel, then I met her. Wow, so passionate, dedicated and an amazing advocate. She knows about the issues real people care about and knows what she wants to do to make our lives better. As a climate crisis advocate her understanding of the urgency of the crisis and the need for a quick and just transition to renewable energy is exactly who I want represent

Retired Caterpillar manager
Art Dosher
Rachel Ventura is a dynamic young woman who truly cares about people. We need many more like her in Congress if our planet and our freedoms are to be saved. I wholeheartedly endorse her for U. S. Congress! She’ll be a true champion for us all!